Brooke Young Shines as Proprietor of Only Vegan Skin Studio in Houston

Brooke Young Shines as Proprietor of Only Vegan Skin Studio in Houston

“SHOP YOUR SKIN, not the trends, and find the routine that works best for you,” says Brooke Young, founder and proprietor of Vegan Luxe Esthetics, the first and only vegan “skin salon” in town.

In retail management for years with Sephora, Young started off as a makeup artist in New York for television anchors such as Dan Rather and other celebrities.

“I decided to go vegan about 10 years ago during Lent, after the day of fasting, and became intrigued with it,” says Young. She knew she needed to make a change when she couldn’t keep up with her young twins anymore. “I had gained weight and was slowing down.” After her diet transition, one of the first things she noticed was a positive change in her skin and hair, which inspired her to found her own spa.

Young, who grew up in Brooklyn, is a single mom of three kids. Her family members in Houston encouraged her to move here in pursuit of a more easygoing lifestyle. She became certified in the highest standard of spa safety and hygiene and opened Vegan Luxe Esthetics during the height of the pandemic. “Even though it was scary, I didn’t give up because 90 percent of clients were focusing on staying healthy during that challenging time,” says Young.

Now a vegan in diet and lifestyle, Young also sells her own vegan skin care lines at her studio, on Amazon, and two other e-commerce platforms. Vegan Luxe Esthetics caters to all skin types and promotes sustainable practices. “We empower our clients to join the conversation about how the impact of the products and ingredients we use on our bodies impact the environment.”

After a deep look into each client’s skin with a derma scope and an interview about lifestyle and goals, the client leaves the studio with working knowledge of her or his skin type and product recommendations. “I create comprehensive plans for each client,” says Young. Her most popular services are the VIP facial treatments, including Glass Skin chemical peel, microdermabrasion, L.E.D. light therapy, 24-carat gold facial, and the diamond facial.

In her leisure time, Young likes to devote time to her family, and travels often, like to see her daughter in college. And she always makes time for yoga. “Hot yoga keeps you young!”

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