Thrive & Inspire: Working with Seniors — ‘America’s Best’ — a Joy for Medicare Expert Justin White

Thrive & Inspire: Working with Seniors — ‘America’s Best’ — a Joy for Medicare Expert Justin White

Justin White, Founder of Senior Health Services

WHAT IS THE secret to running a successful business? First, you have to have a mission that you care about. I absolutely love helping people understand Medicare! Secondly, I have always succeeded because the agents I work with know that I care for them and truly want them to succeed. I love developing leaders and watching them soar! If I help them get where they want to be, I will never need to worry about me! We all rise together.

What’s unique about your approach or your mission? We are the luckiest people in the world. We get to work every day with America’s best: seniors. They need help navigating Medicare, and we are proud to help them!

I am not sure this is unique, but I am a bit of an idealist. I believe if something is good enough to go after, it is good enough to obsess about and go aggressively. I believe very strongly in what we do, and I am not afraid to let people know!

What’s special about your team? I am very honest with all who choose to work with me. This builds a level of trust. We are very much of like mind, and all our goals are aligned. We work side by side with each other, we have meals together, we know each other’s families, and get to go on trips together. Strong bonds are formed!

Who or what inspires you as you seek to reach greater heights of success? Our clients inspire me. Their experiences and life stories and challenges are incredible! When I enjoy something, I like striving to be the best. When you love what you do and who you do it for, ascending to greater heights tends to happen more naturally; it is almost a byproduct of that love.

What have you learned about your business and your community that might inspire others? Nobody can do anything alone. It is humbling to realize how much I depend on others. This business and life is not all about me. We’ve got to take care of each other.

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