The Cat's Meow

The 2019 Tiger Ball toasted 40 years of Asia Society in Houston, and served as a tribute to the late Barbara Bush, one of its founding members. Nearly 700, many clad in regal shades of red, gathered for a cocktail hour at the beautiful Asia Society building before heading outside into the tented ballroom, boasting oversize candelabras and hanging wishing lanterns, for dinner. Guests filtered back inside for dessert — open bars and multiple grand buffets of sweet treats beckoned — and dancing. More than $1.4 mil raised!

Jenny Antill
Huaxing Arts Group performers

Lynn Wyatt

Party People

Oscar Wyatt and friend on the roof of his Coastal oil and gas company in Houston in 1990

ONE OF HOUSTON'S most prominent and at times controversial businessmen will turn 100 next week. Oscar Wyatt, oilman and World War II hero, will meet the century mark July 11.

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Chocolate souffle tart at Turner's Cut (photo by Brian Kennedy)

RESTAURATEUR BEN BERG, founder of Berg Hospitality, must never sleep. Just when you think he’s introduced his final restaurant concept, here come two more newbies in one week, with another baby on the way.

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