Fifty Shades of Courage

Hurricane Harvey may have been the most equal-opportunity disaster — and the most multicultural disaster response — ever.

On the night of Thursday Aug. 17, someone poured white paint on a bronze bust of Martin Luther King Jr. in the predominantly African-American and economically challenged Sunnyside district. The following evening, someone poured red paint on a statue of Christopher Columbus in Montrose. These acts of vandalism, for which nobody has claimed responsibility, were surely local skirmishes in the ongoing nationwide battle over monuments and symbols from the American past.

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Grace Under Pressure in ‘Be Someone’ City

Our leaders, first responders, reporters and everyday heroes stayed calm in the face of danger and devastation — and mostly just did what had to be done.

Todd Spoth

Sometime in the middle of the night, it stopped raining. I didn’t notice until I woke up the next morning, from a fitful sleep, to hear lawnmowers and leaf blowers firing up in front of my house. On most mornings when this happens, I resent the intrusion and curse them for coming so early. Today, I was grateful for the sign of normalcy: There they were, my “yard guys,” back to work. The water had receded from the street, leaving just a few inches pooled in the gutter. The grass was impossibly green and thick, more Ireland than Texas, and a few alien vines, emboldened by the weather, had sprouted from odd spots and needed to be pulled.

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The Hero Next Door

In Harvey-era Houston, stars like JJ and Mack make us proud — and our own loved ones and friends astound us with heroism, generosity and second-nature selflessness.

Harvey Flood of Money

For hours, my husband and I watched from our second-floor parking garage as Harvey rushed in and quickly engulfed the neatly landscaped Midtown streets in front of our home. We weren’t alone; others from our building watched, in awe, as cars, trucks, even Metro busses, tried navigating through the quickly rising waters. A mid-size Audi SUV slowly trekked by; it wasn’t going to make it. Without hesitation, my husband and a slew of other men leapt into action, wading through thigh-deep waters to help keep the frightened, young female driver from panicking. In minutes, the group pushed her car out of danger, up the ramp to our garage. One car saved.

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