A Chic Brunch Bunch Gathers for ‘Rosé and Roses’ at The Houstonian

A Chic Brunch Bunch Gathers for ‘Rosé and Roses’ at The Houstonian

Kiara Rankin

IS THERE ANY better way to enjoy a summer day that sipping rosé with the In Crowd?

They certainly don't think so at the The Houstonian, where a well-scrubbed group of swells decked out in season-savvy crisp white lines, eyelet flounces and chic sun hats for its "Rosé and Roses Tasting and Brunch" event. "It was just a beautiful event, and we were so happy the sun cooperated!" said a hotel rep.

The famously lovely Manor House, on The Houstonian ground was the site, with wine tastings, live music and games offered on the estate lawn. A fragrant installation of roses by the hotel's in-house floral studio Sage 'n' Bloom was set the tone for the day, with highlights including sommelier Dat Le's show-stopping bottle saber of bubbly for the crowd.

But Exec Chef Neal Cox's three-course meal was hard to beat. Think house-cured salmon blinis with caviar crème fraiche paired with Goldeneye by Duckhorn Brut Rosé from California — and lobster and Gruyere quiche paired with rosés from France and Italy.

Kelly LyBrand, Valerie Hosn, Kairy-tate Barkley, Samantha DeJohn

Houstonian Sommelier Dat Le

Lucia Martinez, Fernando Leher

Nina and John Koshy

Rob Dempsey, Melissa Korb

Marlene Rankin, Maureen Hirsh, Nina Palermo

Tammy Mouton, Monica Scott-Broughton

Kevin Tamm, Achante Sellars

Maria and Richard Cutler

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Bianca Bucaram, founder of The Bucaram PR Group and BXM Music

Get to Know Bianca:

Bianca Bucaram, founder of The Bucaram PR Group and BXM Music, is a dynamic force in the public relations industry. She is known for her tenacity, empathy, and bilingual communication skills. As a local publicist with national reach, she blends local insights with broader impact, telling compelling stories that foster business growth and create opportunities.

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