Master Chefs

One of the most star-studded events in the food world rightfully came to H-Town. The James Beard Foundation broadcast its 2019 nominees during a ceremony in Houston, and on the eve of the announcement, the city’s top chefs hosted a Friends of James Beard benefit dinner at Hugo Ortega’s Caracol. Each of the several courses — plus the cocktails! — was crafted by a Beard-nominated or -winning chef, including Ortega, Robert Del Grande, Chris Shepherd, Justin Yu, Bobby Heugel and many others.

Paula Murphy and Quy Tran
Justin Yu, Chris Shepherd, Robert Del Grande and Hugo Ortega

Justin Yu, Chris Shepherd, Robert Del Grande and Hugo Ortega

Smoked brisket fritters by Seth Siegel-Gardner and Terrence Gallivan

Party People

Októ will have a lively bar like the one at Doris Metropolitan, pictured here. (photo by Kirsten Gilliam)

AFTER YEARS OF operating solid, Israeli-influenced concepts — Doris Metropolitan on Shepherd, and Badolina and Hamsa in Rice Village — Sof Hospitality is set to debut its latest concept in Montrose Collective this summer. Surprise, this time it’s Mediterranean cuisine!

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“DO YOU KNOW how a river forms?” is the question that begins Houston author Vaishnavi Patel’s new book, Goddess of the River. The voice belongs to Ganga, goddess of India’s Ganges river, who has been transformed against her will by Lord Shiva from “a tributary of the cosmic ocean” into the physical form of a mere winding river, with no path to the heavens, only the sea. Later, Ganga runs afoul of a powerful sage who transforms her yet again into a human, and as it happens in myths, things get complicated.

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