Kind Minds

Mayor Sylvestor Turner
Mayor Sylvestor Turner

Ten Houstonians were honored for their selfless and generous ways of life at an event held at the Royal Sonesta. Mayor Sylvester Turner offered opening remarks before recipients of the Houston Humanitarian Awards — including NFL mom and philanthropist Karen Johnson, pastor Fernando Ruata, music-industry honcho James Prince, and several Hurricane Harvey heroes — received a standing ovation. The evening was put on by a local nonprofit called Houston Random Act of Kindness Day, which was founded by Treveia Dennis in order to spread love throughout her community.

Party People

Zimmer and Gooch and, at right, their debut product, a super-strong magnetic silicone bib

IT'S A TALE as old as time: A flustered mom tries to put a bib or clothing item on her fussy baby — one-handed, naturally; moms do almost everything one-handed — only to have the kid put up a fight using that disproportionate strength of theirs, and everyone is left more frustrated than they were five minutes ago.

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Bob Eury, Deborah Keyser & James Stafford

HSPVA CELEBRATED FIVE years at its Downtown campus with a 1920s-jazz-club-inspired luncheon for 300 supporters. Guests were transported to the days of swing dancing as a student-conducted band played music by Duke Ellington, while performers, donning showgirl and flapper costumes from the high school’s performance of After Midnight, danced along.

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