Kind Minds

Mayor Sylvestor Turner
Mayor Sylvestor Turner

Ten Houstonians were honored for their selfless and generous ways of life at an event held at the Royal Sonesta. Mayor Sylvester Turner offered opening remarks before recipients of the Houston Humanitarian Awards — including NFL mom and philanthropist Karen Johnson, pastor Fernando Ruata, music-industry honcho James Prince, and several Hurricane Harvey heroes — received a standing ovation. The evening was put on by a local nonprofit called Houston Random Act of Kindness Day, which was founded by Treveia Dennis in order to spread love throughout her community.

Party People

WITH THE WET, dreary weather of late, facing the slow traffic and pounding rain can dampen any appetite for dining out. Even running to the grocery store sounds like a hassle.

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Bombpop Slushies at Heights & Co.

IF YOU'RE LOOKING for ways to celebrate the long weekend ahead, here is a roundup of some bomb(pop) specials, many running all week long. Log off early and make the most out of the short week and holiday!

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