Kind Minds

Mayor Sylvestor Turner
Mayor Sylvestor Turner

Ten Houstonians were honored for their selfless and generous ways of life at an event held at the Royal Sonesta. Mayor Sylvester Turner offered opening remarks before recipients of the Houston Humanitarian Awards — including NFL mom and philanthropist Karen Johnson, pastor Fernando Ruata, music-industry honcho James Prince, and several Hurricane Harvey heroes — received a standing ovation. The evening was put on by a local nonprofit called Houston Random Act of Kindness Day, which was founded by Treveia Dennis in order to spread love throughout her community.

Party People

Emmanuel Ax (photo by Nigel Parry)

IT STARTS OFF with a bang: a triumphant C major chord, its root, third, and fifth voiced across the entire orchestra. It’s as if you came home from a long day at work, entered your home to find the lights out then suddenly on, and a group of fashionable 18th-century Viennese men and women shouting in unison: “Surprise!”

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Art + Entertainment

Sushi Omakasi Platter

THE LATEST IN a series of hot spots from serial restaurateur Ben Berg, Prime 131 may just be his hottest one yet.

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