Fashion Houston’s Jared Lang Returns to Style-Show Arena with Rooftop Event this Week

Fashion Houston’s Jared Lang Returns to Style-Show Arena with Rooftop Event this Week

Jared Lang at his Fashion Houston in 2014 (photo from @fashionhouston on Instagram)

ONE OF THE city's best-known names in fashion-show events is returning to the spotlight this week. Jared Lang, who for five years was the front man for the glitzy, red-carpeted, multi-night style shows branded as Fashion Houston and held at the Wortham Center, will present a scaled-down spin on the concept on Thursday, Nov. 18.

Now Lang is bringing Fashion Houston back to the runway. Lang's one-night event is intended as a prelude to an expanded event in the future. It's "powered" by his Making Muves firm, which offers branding, event management and other services, he says. He has partnered in the venture with Remy Toh, a Houston-based stylist and image consultant for clients including professional athletes and entertainers.

This week's event will take place on the Rise Rooftop in Midtown and feature fashions by Chloe Dao, Raul Penaranda, Jose Sanchez, Alain Chaps, Alexandria Lee Designs and Meredith Marks. Celeb makeup artist Derrick Rutledge will also be on hand.

"We gained national and worldwide recognition," says Lang of his previous endeavor, "and we hosted over 150 world-renowned designers. We were able to come together as a city and celebrate fashion in a special way."

Lang says to expect more of the same with Fashion Houston. "Our goal is to continue what we started and show the world that Houston is a fashion destination. This year's show will not disappoint, as we again showcase designers not only from Houston but from New York City and Mexico City to Venezuela."

The scene outside Fashion Houston at the Wortham Center in 2015 (photo from @fashionhouston on Instagram)

Stylist Remy Toh is Lang's partner in this week's fashion event in Midtown (photo from @houseofremytoh on Instagram).

On the runway at Fashion Houston in 2016 (photo from @fashionhouston on Instagram)

On the runway at Fashion Houston in 2014 (photo from @fashionhouston on Instagram)

Lang at Fashion Houston in 2014 (photo from @fashionhouston on Instagram)

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