¡Viva la Fiesta! Houston's Hispanic Icons Honored at Glam Gala

Daniel Ortiz and Quy Tran
¡Viva la Fiesta! Houston's Hispanic Icons Honored at Glam Gala

Marcelo Saenz, Silvia Salle and Adrian Duenas

AROUND 400 HOUSTONIANS dressed up to party down at the Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston's annual scholarship fundraiser. As with many of the city's best parties, the black-tie to-do was held in the ballroom of the Hilton Americas.

Chaired by Marcelo Saenz, Adrian Duenas and Silvia Salle, the evening raised $300,000 for the nonprofit's mission of promoting inclusive and diverse programming and providing scholarships to exemplary students of Hispanic descent. Some students were presented with their merit-based scholarships at the gala.

The "Viva" event also honored heroes among the Hispanic community: German and Micheline Newall, Ricky Flores and Monica Medina, Jose and Giannina Altuve, Isabel and Ignacio Torras, Mari Carmen Ramirez, Rosalinda Martinez, Silvia Graves, Laura and Rick Jaramillo, and Tony Bonilla Sr.

Emcees Deborah Duncan and Ron Trevino, with the help of energetic ballroom-dance performances, kept the crowd lively — and at the end of the night, the Calle Swing band had everyone on their feet. What a fiesta!

Yordan and Monica Alvarez

Micheline and German Newall

China Contreras, Adrian Duenas, Amanda Edwards, Roberto Contreras IV and Marcelo Saenz

Nina Altuve

Milka Waterland, Rania Edlebi and Elia Gabbanneli

Yordan Alvarez and Mayte Weitzman

Carmen Herrada


Children's Museum Houston (photo courtesy of the museum)

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