We’re Obsessed with this Summer’s Houston-Centric Pride Swag

We’re Obsessed with this Summer’s Houston-Centric Pride Swag

A portion of every Montrose shirt from Scrxipts will be donated to The Montrose Center.

JUNE IS HERE, which means it's time to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community in Houston and beyond! The month honors the 1969 Stonewall riots in Manhattan, largely considered a tipping point of the gay-liberation movement. Here in H-Town, the city's official celebration has been bumped to July 25 due to Covid-related restrictions — but that just means that you have all summer long to rep your pride. Check out all the colorfully cool tees and more, all of which are available to #shoplocal via independent H-Town retailers!

This Pride 'Em Cowboy shirt is $25 made in Houston by OG713. They host regular pop-up shops.

A portion of every Montrose shirt, $32, from Scrxipts will be donated to The Montrose Center.

This Houston Pride tank is $20 and available at Eagle in Montrose.

This skyline sticker is $3 and available at Space Montrose.

This Mysterious by NPN shirt by local designer NPN is $35 with a portion being donated to The Montrose Center.

This Bridges of Montrose print is $15 and available from OG713 who host pop-up shops regularly.

This Texas Rainbow shirt is available for $25 at Space Montrose.

This hat is available at local boutique Hyphen for $22.

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What is your mission? The Children’s Assessment Center (The CAC) provides healing services to over 6,300 child sexual abuse victims and their families each year. We offer forensic interviewing, family advocacy, mental health services, medical care, and court services at no cost. We facilitate community outreach and prevention training to raise awareness about child abuse in our community and how to keep children safe. Last year, we provided prevention training to over 35,000 community members, including 23,500 children in schools.

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