We’re Obsessed with this Summer’s Houston-Centric Pride Swag

We’re Obsessed with this Summer’s Houston-Centric Pride Swag

A portion of every Montrose shirt from Scrxipts will be donated to The Montrose Center.

JUNE IS HERE, which means it's time to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community in Houston and beyond! The month honors the 1969 Stonewall riots in Manhattan, largely considered a tipping point of the gay-liberation movement. Here in H-Town, the city's official celebration has been bumped to July 25 due to Covid-related restrictions — but that just means that you have all summer long to rep your pride. Check out all the colorfully cool tees and more, all of which are available to #shoplocal via independent H-Town retailers!

This Pride 'Em Cowboy shirt is $25 made in Houston by OG713. They host regular pop-up shops.

A portion of every Montrose shirt, $32, from Scrxipts will be donated to The Montrose Center.

This Houston Pride tank is $20 and available at Eagle in Montrose.

This skyline sticker is $3 and available at Space Montrose.

This Mysterious by NPN shirt by local designer NPN is $35 with a portion being donated to The Montrose Center.

This Bridges of Montrose print is $15 and available from OG713 who host pop-up shops regularly.

This Texas Rainbow shirt is available for $25 at Space Montrose.

This hat is available at local boutique Hyphen for $22.

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