In the Wake of Beryl, Houston Animal Rescue Teams Up with Groups from Across the Country

In the Wake of Beryl, Houston Animal Rescue Teams Up with Groups from Across the Country
HOUSTON WAS DEALING with crisis levels of pet homelessness before Hurricane Beryl wreaked havoc on the city. But this week, Houston PetSet coordinated with The Babinski Foundation, an animal shelter in Minnesota, to provide relief across multiple channels.

Thousands of pets became homeless in the aftermath of Beryl, and not only did shelters and facilities sustain significant damage, but foster families were without power and resources as well.

Reps from The Babinski Foundation drove through the night to deliver 10,000 pounds of dog and cat food, 2,000 pounds of kitty litter, and other supplies and bedding on Wednesday, July 17. Houston PetSet coordinated distribution to local organizations in need, including Interfaith Ministries, Meals on Wheels, Jacinto City Dog Pound Rescue, Wolly Kitten Club, and several local street feeders. Additionally, the foundation took more than 50 rescue dogs and puppies back with them to their shelter in Pequot Lakes, Minn.

"The shelters in Houston have been significantly impacted by Hurricane Beryl, due to increased demand and restricted resources,” said Donna Sutton, The Babinski Foundation's executive director, in a statement. “We are thrilled to team up with Houston PetSet to bring much needed relief to the everyday heroes who are taking care of the abandoned and stray animals who need it most."

“This is what collaboration looks like, and we need to continue to build relationships in order to help our city and county solve Houston’s homeless animal crisis," added PetSet's Tena Lundquist Faust.

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