Health Museum Unveils New 'Healing Arts' Program, Gallery Space

Health Museum Unveils New 'Healing Arts' Program, Gallery Space

Michelle Vo; Carla Bisong and Michelle Burgess

TWO OF HOUSTON'S greatest strengths — medicine and the arts — have once again been united in a moving display.

The Health Museum launched its new Healing Arts program to "bridge the gap between the arts and health sectors," and showcase ways in which art can be integrated into health education and practice. Rose Tylinski has been named the museum's Healing Arts Manager, and will spearhead initiatives such as Paint & Process workshops for those interested in blending creativity with psychological and medical insights; and Hearts of Hope, to support those struggling with mental health challenges.

Healing Hands is also new, a space within the museum to display works by community members who are caregivers. Through Feb. 2025, the gallery will feature art that tells stories about what it means to care for others, and the various pathways to healing.

The museum hosted a private opening reception for Healing Hands, attended by gallerists, artists and health advocates including Mathieu JN Baptiste, Carla Bisong and Anson Koshy.

Anson Koshy, Lori Raijman and Nader Adeeb

Ashura Bayya Lovelady

Carla Bisong, Crsytal Baptiste

Anson Koshy, Katie Scott, Mathieu JN Baptiste, Rose Tylinski, Gabriela Magana.

Michelle Vo

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