Having a Ball

The Houston Area Women’s Center hosted a gala commemorating its 40th year of helping survivors of domestic and sexual violence. The disco-savvy “Party Like It’s 1977” event — guests sported bell bottoms and brocade — raised a whopping $650,000 for the organization. ... Meanwhile, Space Center Houston celebrated its own 25th anniversary at its biennial Galaxy Gala. Apollo 13 actor Gary Sinese made a special appearance with his band, the Lt. Dan Band, and an array of out-of-this-world space artifacts was on display for the 650 galagoers. ... And attendees of the Virtuosi of Houston gala mixed and mingled with British TV personality and author Sarah, Duchess of York.

Duke and C.C. Ensell at ‘Women’s’

Local Foods sandwiches

ONCE UPON A time on a charming vintage corner of West University Place, chef Tony Luhrman cranked out tacos and other Mexican specialties in his tiny restaurant El Topo. The newcomer earned recognition from Texas Monthly and elsewhere, but couldn’t pull out of the post-COVID slump. Enter Maximo in the same space, a new Mexican concept owned by Benjy Levit (Local Foods, Lees Den, Eau Tour), Luhrman, and Dylan Murray of Local Foods.

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THIS SPRING, TAKE the season’s vibrant hues and jewel tones to the edge.

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