Having a Ball

The biennial Gala on the Green, celebrating a decade of Discovery Green, was tree-rific! The black-tie evening highlighted the park’s dedication to the arts and featured performances by Two Star Symphony, Archie bell, The Allen Oldies Band and others. … The Junior League of Houston’s two-night Charity Ball event raised $750,000. … Galveston’s oldest krewe, the Knights of Momus, celebrated the first weekend of Mardi Gras with its Coronation Presentation and Ball, this year adopting a “fiesta” theme. … Houston Children’s Charity’s annual gala took place at the Post Oak Hotel, where a call for donations of five handicap-accessible vans was heeded — and matched by Jana and Richard Fant. The crowd celebrated to the sounds of Styx!

Bollywood performance at ‘Green’
Bollywood performance at ‘Green’

Tony Brown, Ari Brown, and Lisette Brown at 'Knights'

Party People

Hallie Vanderhider, Cissy Abel, Elizabeth Stein (photo by Jacob Power)

ONE OF HOUSTON'S most passionate cancer-research organizations hosted its very successful car-race-themed “Victory Rally Ball” recently at Downtown’s 713 Music Hall, drawing in more than 750 denim-and-diamond-bedecked supporters and raising mega-money!

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THE SECOND ANNUAL “Cool 100” issue of Houston CityBook begins hitting newsstands and mailboxes tomorrow, highlighting the magazine’s ranking from 1 to 100 of the coolest Houstonians of the moment.

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