Having a Ball

The biennial Gala on the Green, celebrating a decade of Discovery Green, was tree-rific! The black-tie evening highlighted the park’s dedication to the arts and featured performances by Two Star Symphony, Archie bell, The Allen Oldies Band and others. … The Junior League of Houston’s two-night Charity Ball event raised $750,000. … Galveston’s oldest krewe, the Knights of Momus, celebrated the first weekend of Mardi Gras with its Coronation Presentation and Ball, this year adopting a “fiesta” theme. … Houston Children’s Charity’s annual gala took place at the Post Oak Hotel, where a call for donations of five handicap-accessible vans was heeded — and matched by Jana and Richard Fant. The crowd celebrated to the sounds of Styx!

Bollywood performance at ‘Green’
Bollywood performance at ‘Green’

Tony Brown, Ari Brown, and Lisette Brown at 'Knights'

Party People

A CHANGE OF scenery is good for the soul. And Thompson hotel’s newest location overlooking Houston’s Buffalo Bayou Park has plenty to offer those in need of checking in and chilling out. This is the brand’s fourth luxury boutique Texas property since Hyatt acquired it and expanded its reach.

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East River 9 and Riverhouse Houston

IMAGINE EVERY RESIDENT being able to get most everything via a 15-minute-or-less walk, in a neighborhood convenient to major employment areas of Houston. That’s the vision for the fast-emerging East End district’s new multiuse development called The Plant/Second Ward, created by Concept Neighborhood, a Houston real estate investment, development and management company. Concept Neighborhood is focused on creating walkable communities combining accessible housing with innovative retail and creative maker space.

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