Cute Champagne-Sipping Crowd Gathers at River Oaks Home to Kick Off Handmade Hope Gala

Cute Champagne-Sipping Crowd Gathers at River Oaks Home to Kick Off Handmade Hope Gala

Tiffany LaRose; Adam Greer; Brooke Bentley Gunst

ANOTHER LATE-SUMMER successful kickoff event bodes well for a busy fall social season ahead — even amid Delta fears.

A beautiful River Oaks home was the site of a party kicking off Homemade Hope's "Home Is Where the Heart Is Gala." Brooke Bentley Gunst and her husband Jeff Gunst opened hosted a chic and breezy "indoor-outdoor event … in anticipation of Homemade Hope's annual fundraising event," explained a rep for the event's organizers.

A good-looking crowd, undaunted by soaring temps, and dressed in colorful late-summer frocks and just-before-Labor-Day whites, also sipped Champagne, enjoyed a wine tasting and noshed on charcuterie.

The gala for Homemade Hope — which nurtures and empowers homeless children living in Houston-area shelters, teaching them how to cook nutritious foods, developing their life skills and providing them with emotional and academic support, per the org's mission statement — will take place Oct. 8 at River Oaks Country Club. The gala will have a unique spin: options for indoor or outdoor seating.

Spotted at the kickoff: Blair Bentley, Schuyler Evans, Adam Greer, Brooke Bentley Gunst and Jeff Gunst, Scarlett and Scott Hankey, Tiffany LaRose, Margot Delaronde Marcell and Josh Marcell, Lila Sharifian, and Lisa and Dennis Woods.

Kelly and Sina Fahrtash

Dennis and Lisa Woods

Claudia and Shane Philips; Vina Nichols

Jeff and Brooke Gunst

Lila Sharifian and Omid Sharifian

Michelle and Mike Mann; Margot Delaronde Marcell and Josh Marcell

Nillie Shoukry, Shannon Smith, Tiffany LaRose

Scott and Scarlett Hankey

Young Son; Gabriela Bahlo

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Bianca Bucaram, founder of The Bucaram PR Group and BXM Music

Get to Know Bianca:

Bianca Bucaram, founder of The Bucaram PR Group and BXM Music, is a dynamic force in the public relations industry. She is known for her tenacity, empathy, and bilingual communication skills. As a local publicist with national reach, she blends local insights with broader impact, telling compelling stories that foster business growth and create opportunities.

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