Celebrated Latin American Chefs Wow with ‘Dia’ Wine Dinner

Mario Santos
Celebrated Latin American Chefs Wow with ‘Dia’ Wine Dinner

Mason Brauchle and Christine Turner

A TRIO OF top Latin American chefs whipped up a four-course dinner in celebration of Dia de los Muertos at the second annual Black Dinner. The menu was crafted by Houston chefs Arnaldo Richards of Picos and Omar Pereney who were joined by special guest Atzin Santos from Mexico City.

Under a large tent at City Place Plaza in Spring, 60 guests were greeted by a large traditional Dia de los Muertos alter and margaritas from Picos. And, for full Dia decadence, guests were given flower crowns and the opportunity to have their face painted before dinner.

Farmhouse-style tables were decorated by Picnics in the City with large colorful bouquets and black accents. The first three courses, each served with a thoughtfully paired glass of wine, all featured dramatic black foods: black agua chile, huitlacoche — a fungus that grows on corn that was first used in cooking by the Aztecs in the 14th century — and mole. The finale was goat-cheese cheesecake served with a decorative macaron painted to look like a skull.

After dinner, guests enjoyed sipping tequila while dancing to the music of the Latin jazz band Pachangara.

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