What is your mission? Easter Seals Greater Houston is the only organization in the greater Houston area providing comprehensive services to individuals with all types of disabilities, veterans and their families. We impact where people need us the most – school, work, home, and in the community. Enhancing education, advancing health, expanding employment, and elevating the community.
Why did you launch the organization? Easter Seals was originally launched as the school district location for children with disabilities before the ADA was passed in the 70’s. Once ADA legislation was passed, the agency evolved into life changing services and programs serving babies, children and adults with all types of disabilities and their families, regardless of their ability to pay.
What are you most proud of? Easter Seals’ services focus on improving the physical, educational, cognitive, mental and financial health of our clients so they can live as fully participating members of our community. Even though we are very efficient, with over $.91 of every dollar used for direct client assistance, we have still been able to consistently expand services to fill gaps in services for an underserved population.
How have you impacted the community? Each year, we serve close to 15,000 families in Harris and surrounding counties, most living below poverty simply due to medical bills and caregiving issues; our programs not only address our direct client’s need for therapy, school, camps and more; but those of the family through respite, financial education, mental health services and emergency assistance.
Tell us about your big event. Easter Seals is excited to announce our 14th annual “Walk With Me Houston” Family fun walk on April 12, 2025, at the Houston Zoo presented by Prosperity Bank and attended by over 4,000 donors, sponsors, volunteers and clients. Following the walk, is an after-party with children’s activities, music, food, drinks and more. WalkWithMeHouston.org
How many employees and volunteers work with your organization? 250 and more than 200.
How much have you raised since you launched? In the past 20 years, Easter Seals has grown an average of 7% a year-in spite of economic downturns, government funding cuts and the fact that less than 3% of all charitable giving goes to organizations serving people with disabilities. That growth came through a combination of community support-from government funding, the United Way, individual donors, foundations and corporations so that our babies, children and adults receive the services they desperately need without worrying about the cost or their lack of insurance.
What are your major challenges? In spite of medical advancements and the power of technology to improve the lives of veterans and people with disabilities, the need for our services continues to grow-and with that the challenge of raising the funds necessary to support those expanded services grows.