FOR ALL PRACTICAL purposes, most consider 2020 to have been the year from hell. Even my parents, who haven't seen midnight since the millennium, vowed to stay up past 12am on December 31 just to make damn sure they kissed 2020 goodbye.

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THIRTY YEARS AGO, David Foster composed a song called "My Grown-Up Christmas List." And every time the song is played on the radio this season, I cry. The lyrics are so beautiful — they hit home for me. And as wondrous as it feels to give and receive actual presents, isn't it those intangible gifts that are the most meaningful?

In the song, the narrator speaks to Santa, asking him if he remembers him or her from when he or she was a child, sitting upon his knee and writing letters to him with fantasies and wishes. (Kelly Clarkson, Michael Bublé and others have recorded it over the years.)

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