THE DAYS OF frustratingly scouring the internet for information on how and where to receive a Covid-19 vaccine can now be laid to rest. The popular fitness and wellness app ClassPass, which has partnerships with more than 30,000 gyms, studios and spas nationwide, including hundreds in Houston, has just announced that its members can explore vaccination options through its interface.

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People + Places

Photo by Emily Jaschke

ALBA HUERTA'S POPULAR Washington Avenue bar Julep is finally reopening to the public on Derby Day (21-and-up, purchase tickets via Julep's website) this Saturday after pivoting to the JulepToGo delivery model, which includes two JulepToGo trucks known for camping out at popular outdoor locales like Menil Park. Julep previously reopened in September as a restaurant on weekends only.

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People + Places

HOUSTON NATIVE RAPHAEL General, 24, spends his workweek managing investment portfolios as a cash analyst at a finance company. But once he's home, the UHD grad spins beats in his bedroom, spitting highly personal melodic and wavy lyrics and developing his rap career under the name Saint Raphael.

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