"Captain America" Artist: Eliseo Hilario The Kingsmen Car Club, Houston, TX

LONGTIME HOUSTON PHOTOGRAPHER Emily Jaschke has shot over the years for nearly every publication in Houston, and for local non-profits like The Diana Foundation, Urban Harvest and Second Servings. But in her first solo exhibition of her photographic work, she's going full metal — Full Metal Jaschke, that is.

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Art + Entertainment

HOUSTON IS KNOWN for many things — NASA, the Astrodome, a killer restaurant scene, world-class arts institutions, bourgeoning public green spaces, long workday commutes and summer humidity so intense that it makes you feel like you're the sweaty, meat-filled center of a sausage and cheese kolache. But one thing it is less known for, but should be, is having extremely talented poet laureates. In April, Mayor Sylvester Turner added to our talented crop of poet laureates by naming local performance poet, writer, compassionate mentor and electric entertainer Emanuelee "Outspoken" Bean as the city's fifth poet laureate, with a two-year term running from April 2021 through April 2023.

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Art + Entertainment

ON TUESDAY, EMILY'S List, a pro-choice political organization which has raised more than $700 million to elect likeminded female candidates across the nation, announced that Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo has won its 2021 Gabrielle Giffords Rising Star Award.

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