Kitchen Confidential: Chefs Mayank Istwal and Austin Waiter, Part 1

In this episode of CityBook & Co., Houston CityBook editor Jeff Gremillion and chef-journalist Kate McLean sit down with two of Houston's top culinary talents. Mayank Istwal is the executive chef of Musaafer, one of Houston newest and trendiest eateries, and Exec Chef Austin Waiter runs the kitchen at Tony's, the city's most venerable fine-dining stalwart.

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Dr. Vanessa Barrow

AN INTERVIEW WITH Dr. Vanessa Barrow, DPM, Owner, Sole Aesthetic

You had to deal with the pandemic crisis in a big way, before most of us, didn't you? In early March of 2020, I tested positive for Covid. This was before masks, before social distancing, before knowing as much as we do now. Everything came to a screeching halt. It was devastating more so because my practice had just celebrated its two-year anniversary. Unfortunately, I had to let my amazing staff go and focus on keeping my business thriving from bed, behind closed quarantined doors while recuperating from the virus.

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