AN INTERVIEW WITH Jamey Rootes, former President of the Houston Texans

When did you know that something big was going to impact Houston? It was 7:30am on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, and I was participating in one of the first-ever meetings of the Greater Houston Partnership Executive Committee to be conducted via Zoom. The normal public policy and economic development focused agenda was hijacked by a discussion regarding the potentially devastating impact of a new and highly contagious virus. It was hypothesized that this virus, the novel coronavirus, could absolutely overrun the capacity of our local health system. I was skeptical. I thought, "We have the largest medical center in the world. It would take something of biblical proportions to exhaust our medical capacity." As I learned, Covid-19 was pounding Europe, especially Italy, but we had yet to have a documented case of community spread in Houston. That was all about to change.

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People + Places

AN INTERVIEW WITH Cindy Aplanap, owner of Chairma Design

What's your 2021 'Word of the Year'? Thrive! Last year I learned a lot about myself, my business, the character of my team and our ability to really contribute to the lives of our clients and the design/build community. This year we are teed up to thrive!

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People + Places

Andie Ten Have & Benjamin Randall

AN INTERVIEW WITH Benjamin Randall, Premier Loan Originator & Andie Ten Have, Operations Support of Envoy Mortgage

CityBook: What were your biggest challenges of 2020?

Andie: Hands down it was working from home and taking care of my kids at the same time. My kids may not know the alphabet yet, but they have some episodes of Mickey Mouse club house memorized word for word!

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People + Places