Murry & Karen Penner, the owners of M PENNER Houston

WHAT'S THE SECRET to running a successful retail business in such times as these? Be adaptable. Be a good host. Move your customers.

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Donnie & Jaclyn Boutwell

WHAT'S THE SECRET to running a successful business in such times as these? We think that the key to running a successful business in difficult times is the same as anytime. Stay on your mission and be authentic! Years ago, we challenged ourselves to come up with a mission statement that helps us to define why we do what we do. It keeps us focused, keeps us on task, and keeps our minds in the right place no matter what is going on in the world. Our mission is simple: We believe that technology in the home should be easy to use, beautifully designed, and unbelievably reliable. That’s it! Our purpose and mission are timeless and we can adapt those goals to any circumstances.

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Patient of Franklin A. Rose, M.D. with facial and body contour plastic surgical enhancement procedures. (Photo by Debbie Porter)

WHY DO SO many starlets come to Houston instead of getting plastic surgery in Hollywood?

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