'The Delicate Space' (photo by Lynn Lane)

THE GROUNDS AND gardens of Pilot Dance Project’s executive and artistic director Adam Castañeda’s childhood home are the site for The Delicate Space, a collaboration between Castañeda and choreographer and designer Ashley Horn. The Delicate Space is part of a collaborative, multi-year initiative between Castañeda and other artists and The Greater Northside Management District to produce new, multi-disciplinary projects inspired by the now rapidly gentrifying Near Northside neighborhood. The June 30 premiere is already sold out, but there are two more performances on July 1, and tickets are going fast.

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Art + Entertainment

William Kentridge in his Johannesburg studio in 2016

NOW ON VIEW at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston is William Kentridge: In Praise of Shadows. Organized in collaboration with The Broad, Los Angeles, the exhibition encapsulates 35 years of Kentridge’s artistic output, and features over 80 thematically interconnected works, including charcoal drawings (you’ve never seen so many gradations of black, white and gray), stop-animation films, and bizarre assemblages of gears, camera lenses, and megaphones.

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Art + Entertainment

XOCHITLALPAN IS THE Nahuatl word for “The Land of Flowers.” This land is a mythical afterworld of everlasting flowers and joy described in the Aztec/Mexica pre-Hispanic and later-colonial poetic tradition known as In Xochitl In Cuicatl (Flower and Song). It is also the evocative title of San Marcos-based artist Gabo Martinez’s exhibit at the Houston Center for Contemporary Craft, a colorful, immersive installation in the museum’s front gallery of ceramics and large-scale prints inspired by her indigenous roots, as well as images pulled from the oral tradition of Flower Songs. It’s a show where floor-to-ceiling prints radiate with all the colors of nature on a sunny day, and the pottery simply sings.

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Art + Entertainment