A selection of McGee's 'Tarot Cards'

AN EXHIBITION BY Houston-based artist David McGee is always a cause for celebration. A master of portraiture, modernism and abstraction, with works in the permanent collections of museums across the country, McGee, like many artists, clung to his practice like a lifeline throughout the worst months of the pandemic and the political upheaval that still plagues the country today. His new and highly anticipated show at Inman Gallery, The Tarot Cards and The Gloria Paintings (Sept. 16 – Nov. 1), is infused with that resilience, and is his most politically charged, and deeply personal exhibition to date.

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Art + Entertainment

From left to right: 'Fahrenheit 451,' 'Separate But Bound,' and 'Of Mice and Men,' all by Havel

IT’S MONDAY, AND sculptor and painter Joseph Havel is at his home studio, a former auto-parts store located off the Hardy Toll Road, conveniently located in the same building of the foundry where he creates his surreal, gravity-defying bronze sculptures. He’s busy supervising a team of art handlers tasked with transporting two new sculptures to Josh Pazda Hiram Butler Gallery for his exhibit 451, which opens Thursday, Sept. 14.

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Art + Entertainment

Judy Resnik and Christa McAuliffe before the fated Challenger flight (NASA photo scanned by J.L. Pickering)

IN 1978, THE glass ceiling at NASA shattered when Sally Ride, Judy Resnik, Anna Fisher, Kathy Sullivan, Shannon Lucid and Rhea Seddon were selected to undergo training to become America’s first women astronauts. The professional and personal history of each of these pioneering women and the gender discrimination they faced and ultimately transcended is the subject of Loren Grush’s fascinating new book The Six: The Untold Story of America’s First Women Astronauts.

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Art + Entertainment