Fans of homegrown rock ’n’ roll may be familiar with singer-guitarist-drummer Mikey Ponce, 33, formerly frontman of The McKenzies, and currently a member of Phantom Royals and Cleen Teens. But the name Flower Graves may be more unfamiliar. Ponce changed the name of his main outfit — remember Mikey and the Drags, founded in 2012? — at the beginning of 2017 to reflect a shift in music style and the addition of two new members. “We went from ’60s-garage-rock-proto-punk to more psychedelia,” says Ponce, who also cofounded indie label Wallflower Records at the beginning of the year. “Groovier, a little more laid-back.” Catch Flower Graves — which plans to record new material this summer — at the Madness on Main festival on May 28.
“I’ve always been on my own plane when it comes to fashion,” says Ponce, who wears almost exclusively vintage duds. “It says a lot about who I am and what I do. I’m really into the 1960s.”
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