Colorful and Kooky As Ever, Art Car Ball and Parade Put the Pedal to the Metal

AFTER A TWO-year hiatus, the Art Car Parade returned to the streets of Downtown, a beloved weekend-long event punctuated by the colorful Art Car Ball.
Check Out New '3D' Art Show in the Heights
3D IS THE slightly misleading name of Nicole Longnecker Gallery’s thought-provoking and intriguingly curated exhibit of sculptural works by four celebrated Texas artists: George Smith, Andy Feehan, Danville Chadbourne and Tim Glover. While all of the art on display is indeed two- or three-dimensional, an additional dimension is present as well, an experience beyond the height, weight and depth of each hanging or freestanding object, inspiring the viewer to see the world in an unforeseen way. The show opened Saturday.