Special Advertorial Section: Fall 2023 Philanthropy Report

Special Advertorial Section: Fall 2023 

Philanthropy Report

In a smart Q&A format, tell the story of how you adapted to challenges and changes in the last year.

What year was your organization launched? What is your mission? What is your vision? How have you impacted the community? Tell us about your big event. What are you most proud of? How many employees and volunteers work with your organization? What are your major challenges?

• features a photo of your charity at work

• a full page or a two-page spread in CityBook

• will also run as promoted content at HoustonCityBook.com

• posts on CityBook’s Instagram and Facebook feeds

2-PAGE SPREAD, $3,000 | FULL PAGE $1,500

Contact Jennifer Kahlden at jennifer@houstoncitybook.com or 713.294.2660.

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