Who do you credit? I credit my family, my community, and my spiritual connection. Houston is a place where opportunities exist. I did my MBA at Rice University and my Master’s in Applied Positive Psychology at UPenn. I am so grateful for the enriching communities of Rice and UPenn where they genuinely want to see their students thrive. These institutions have become my springboard from which I feel I could jump with the knowledge and confidence to launch the concept of Define Living. And, without any doubt, I give credit to my family and friends. I used to get a lot of inquisitive looks when I would talk about launching a fitness brand or a franchise brand. However, I now feel very loved and supported by the people closest to me when I tell them about a new project that I am focusing on. They can sense my passion, and that is contagious.
What lessons have you learned that might enlighten and inspire others?
Here are several:
1) Swim in your own lane.
2) Learn as much as you can about your industry while getting paid by someone else.
3) Starting your own business is risky, time-consuming, and challenging, but your passion will take you far.
4) It’s okay to be skeptical, but avoid becoming cynical.
5) As Mother Theresa stated, “What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; build anyway.”
What’s new in your life or work that you’re excited about? I am so happy with how well our first Define Living has been received. I worked hard to build a program that was transforming and accessible. To know that we are attracting a group of people who are diverse in every sense of the word while elevating their wellbeing is incredibly motivating for me each day. This inspires me to bring this concept nationwide and add more health and wellbeing to communities across the globe!
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