Popular Singer-Songwriter's Genre-Bending Art Show Is a Hit

Chris Becker

THE IMAGE IS like something from a dream: a white horse trotting in a field, its overexposed, ethereal glow thrown into relief by the darkness of the woods behind it. “The horse fits in with the mythology of the west,” says singer-songwriter Darden Smith, who used a clunky Polaroid camera to photograph what is actually a small, figurine of a pony in the grass outside his home studio. “I wanted to shoot the myth down by making it a toy horse."

Diversity of Latino Dance Highlighted at Three-Day Fest Starting this Week

Chris Becker

THE SECOND ANNUAL Texas Latino/a/x Contemporary Dance Festival runs March 11-13 at MATCH. Presented by the Houston non-profit art organization The Pilot Dance Project, the festival features three days of solo, duo and ensemble works performed by over 20 dancers and dance companies representing the diversity and stylistic range of Latino choreography.

Fall Philanthropy Report: Easter Seals of Greater Houston ‘Impacts Where People Need Us the Most’

What year was your organization launched? Founded in Houston in 1947, as the Cerebral Palsy Treatment Center, the organization provided services to individuals with disabilities living in Houston and Harris County. In 1989, the organization changed its name and greatly expanded its services to meet the needs of its clientele. Today as Easter Seals Greater Houston, the organization provides multiple outstanding service programs to children, adults, veterans, and service members with all types of disabilities and their families in Harris and sixteen surrounding counties.

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Lisa Rich, Jessica Givens, Coco Lu

BETWEEN AN EXCITING raffle and runway show, Homemade Hope's fash bash at Tootsies was a truly tasteful success! More than 160 well heeled attendees also enjoyed browsing the season's most stylish offerings and chatting with Homemade Hope's executive director, Blair Bentley Ozenbaugh, about its mission to support at-risk children via mentoring and culinary lessons.

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Symphony Springs to Life with Floral-Fabulous Fete

Jacob Power and Priscilla Dickson

Chairs Brady and Zane Carruth, Brittany and Adam Clark

IT ALREADY FEELS like spring in Houston and the spring social season is here with it! 375 guests donned in white-tie flocked to The Post Oak Hotel for the annual Houston Symphony Ball, one of the city’s most anticipated and A-list galas.

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